In over forty years in the travel business, I've presided over retail travel management companies, led the sales effort at a leading tour operator and directed sales groups at Northwest Airlines for 19 years in Chicago, Los Angeles and Minneapolis. I've traveled all continents and firmly believe that travel can open the mind's doors to understanding...and hearts to compassion and cooperation. I was first in Cuba in September of 2012 and marveled at the resiliency of the people, the reality of growing change, and the opportunity at hand for Americans to experience Cuba now before it fully blossoms as I know It will. Would you believe I met Marla via a mutual Cuban friend when he learned we were both from Michigan? The passion and commitment I find in Marla and Miriam is refreshing. They know Cuba. They love the people and the experiences they are so willing to share. They can and do deliver like very few operators do. They are “hands on”. It's been a pleasure to consult with them on how they can build their business. I'm looking forward to continuing to shape Other Cuban Journeys with them, cultivate and escort groups to the island, and keep opening those doors. - Click Here to Contacts Us